Divorce is often about much more than the dissolution of a relationship. When you’ve lived together and shared earnings for a long period, it can be difficult to divide everything up, especially when there are large financial sums, business endeavours or children involved.
Usually, this means that you will need to hire a divorce lawyer to assist in the separation, where you might need to go to court if you can’t agree on a fair settlement. Prior to this however, you may wish to attend mediation sessions, where these can help you to keep costs to a minimum.
Read on to find out more about what to expect when you meet with a divorce mediator.
Although mediation still costs money, it tends to be cheaper and quicker than resolving your differences through the courts. Additionally, you may be entitled to legal aid if your dispute involves a child or if you’re on a low income. This can allow you to access mediation sessions for free or at a discounted rate.
Confidential Support
A divorce mediator is there to listen to both parties without taking sides. This can help to create a calm atmosphere that will be conducive to reaching a final agreement. As when you speak to a solicitor, anything shared in a mediation session is confidential, where this can also help with reaching a suitable resolution.
Financial Disclosures
Before you attend your mediation session, you will need to fill out a financial disclosure form. This will include key information such as your income, living costs, savings, property ownership and debts. The mediator will then draw on this information during the session to make informed contributions.
Legal Limitations
Importantly, a mediator cannot offer legal advice, where you will still need to speak to a solicitor to make your agreement legally binding. Following a successful mediation, you will be granted a memorandum of understanding, where a solicitor is required to upgrade this to a consent order. The consent order dictates that both parties must stick to the agreement going forward.
Alternatively, you may need to work with a solicitor if mediation is unsuccessful. Court proceedings may also be required to confirm financial settlements and custody agreements, where it can be helpful to hire a divorce lawyer to support you from the offset.
PJE Solicitors: Expert Divorce Mediation & Support
At PJE Solicitors, we can support you through the entire divorce process, whether you’re working with an impartial mediator or you need us to guide you through a settlement conflict.
As experts in family law, we’ll help you to reach a solution that’s right for everyone involved, especially if you’re dealing with financial or custody issues.
Get in touch today to speak to a leading divorce lawyer about your situation.